Efficacy of a novel lumen-apposing metal stent for the treatment of symptomatic pancreatic pseudocysts
翻译:于廷廷 审校:张立超 侯森林
Background and Aims
Recently, a newly designed lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) with a conventional delivery system was developed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a newly designed LAMS for EUS-guided drainage to treat symptomatic pancreatic pseudocysts.
最近,开发了一种具有常规推送系统的新设计的双蘑菇头金属支架(LAMS)。 这项研究的目的是评估这种新设计的LAMS在EUS引导下用于治疗有症状的胰腺假性囊肿的有效性和安全性。
This prospective multicenter cohort study included 34 patients with symptomatic pancreatic pseudocysts from 2016 to 2017. The patients underwent EUS-guided drainage with the newly designed LAMS (Niti-S SPAXUS; Taewoong Medical Co, Ltd, Ilsan, South Korea). Effectiveness outcome measurements included technical success rate, clinical success rate, successful stent removal rate, and procedural time. Safety outcome measurements included procedure and/or stent-related adverse events (AEs) and overall AEs. Patients were prospectively followed, and consecutive data were collected at discharge, at stent removal, and 20 days after stent removal.
这项前瞻性多中心队列研究纳入了2016年至2017年的34例有症状的胰腺假性囊肿患者。患者均在EUS引导下采用新设计的LAMS(Niti-S SPAXUS; Taewoong Medical Co, Ltd, Ilsan, South Korea)进行引流。 有效性结果检测指标包括技术成功率,临床成功率,支架成功移除率和手术时间。 安全性结果检测指标包括手术和/或支架相关的不良事件(AE)和整体不良事件。对患者进行前瞻性随访,收集在出院时,支架拆除时和支架拆除后20天的连续数据。
Thirty-four patients (mean age 51.7 ± 13.3 years, 26 men) were enrolled. The mean pseudocyst size was 9.23 ± 3.54 cm. The technical success rate was 97.1% (33/34). The clinical success rate was 94.1% (32/34). All stents were successfully removed. The mean procedural time from needle puncture to stent deployment was 10.3 ± 5.7 minutes. Four patients (11.8%) experienced procedure and/or stent-related AEs, including stent maldeployment (n = 1) and pseudocyst infection (n = 3). All patients completely recovered from the AEs. Bleeding caused by the stent or buried LAMS syndrome was not observed. No unplanned endoscopic procedures were required.
总共纳入了34例患者(平均年龄51.7±13.3岁,男26例)。假性囊肿的平均大小为9.23±3.54cm。技术成功率为97.1%(33/34)。临床成功率为94.1%(32/34)。所有支架均成功移除。从细针穿刺到支架置入的平均时间为10.3±5.7分钟。 4名患者(11.8%)发生了手术和/或支架相关的不良事件,包括支架移位(n = 1)和假性囊肿感染(n = 3)。 所有患者均从不良事件中完全康复。 没有出现由支架或隐匿性LAMS综合征引起的出血。 无计划外的内窥镜检查。
This study showed that EUS-guided drainage using the newly designed LAMS is technically feasible and effective for the treatment of symptomatic pancreatic pseudocysts.
本研究中使用的双蘑菇头金属支架LAMS(Niti-S SPAXUS)由镍钛合金制成,并完全覆盖有硅膜。 它们的两端都有较大的蘑菇头,直径为25 mm,用于锚固。支架放置后,两个固定蘑菇头都可以向后反折,以保持两个开口在适当的位置。 支架的可选直径为8、10和16 mm,支架长度为20 mm。 但是,支架展开后,蘑菇头之间的距离为7毫米。